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Dear Investors,

We would like to thankful to you for investing on Paytiz.com . As you may know recently we made many changes on our systеm. To making many changes we required to excluded the Investment systеm due to Payment gateway restriction, Financial Law restriction etc. With due respect with the law and payment gateway. We are considering to disconnected investment systеm. Till than March-05, 2020 all matured and completed investment will be paid of with the profit and all non-matured investment will be refund at March-06, 2020. After March-15, 2020. The investment section will be unavailable for view. So if you need any data please collect it from the temporary systеm asap.

Directors message, “We’re thankful to them who participate our investment program. We are really very sorry. But due to many restriction we required to take this kind of decision. Hope you will also consider our decision.”

We are working on it to turn on the investment systеm by next year. Stay tuned with us.

Thank You
Management Dep.
Paytiz LTD