21.04.2021, 17:44

Köszönöm a gyors váltást. Mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom.

21.04.2021, 15:12

Привет всем.Подскажите как перейти к оплате,чтобы вывести на карту.Спасибо

20.04.2021, 21:47

Paytiz is trusted Exchange Becouse they send me money to PayPal Successfully First Transaction i made on this website>> Second Transaction i have Problem Pleas check my Ticket (#5005271 PayPal>> Denied Payment received)>> ty you paytiz team for great work keep it up

20.04.2021, 21:29

Зарахувалось. Все добре!

20.04.2021, 19:52

Hello Paytiz, for this order (111967) my bank let me know that the master card can receive external fund only when the transaction is made directly by a bank. Now I would like to receive this money by western uniоn just tell me what to do.

20.04.2021, 19:40

The problem with order id 111973 was quickly resolved with Paytiz thanks to it's serious and solid team!

20.04.2021, 18:49

There's a big problem with Order ID 111973 (0,008 btc to western uniоn usd) they don't find the transaction in western uniоn office and I cannot collect the money. Please do something!

20.04.2021, 02:15

Всё быстро и круто ! Спасибо!

20.04.2021, 02:05

I transferred for 2 hours and still haven't received my money

19.04.2021, 16:41

I exchanged on paytiz and it's very fast.

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