06.02.2021, 00:06

Thats a good wibe site to excahnge your money its working verry verry easy and the suport are verry goood to answer for the question they are verrey veryyy goood verrey goood love you suport paytiz

05.02.2021, 23:36

سمعت بموقعكم من طرف صديق قمت بعمليتين ناجحتين الأولى تمت لحظيا والثانية في أقل من 24ساعة فريق عمل رائع مساعد واحترافي شكرا لكم

05.02.2021, 22:30

отличный обменник, все быстро и удобно., без всякого лишнего.. успехов Вам в делах.!

05.02.2021, 21:49

muy buena tardo menos de una hora

05.02.2021, 15:00

This website helps a lot

04.02.2021, 14:30

very fast transaction have finished from this paytiz.com thank u so much

04.02.2021, 14:09

I submitted exchange order from 0.001 Bitcoin to Payeer USD on 04.02.2021. My exchange order ID is : 89742. I have received 34.77 USD Payeer fastly. Transaction batch number is : 1297449799 . Thank you paytiz.

04.02.2021, 03:13

Boa noite gostaria de uma revisão fiz o pedido de de um valor de 0,0138BT com a ordem ID 89616 e mesma foi recusada;
de um retorno porque foi recusada.

fico no aguardo do retorno..


03.02.2021, 14:07

For those who are curious. It took around an hour for my transaction to be completed in PayPal.

02.02.2021, 19:21

plateforme tres serieuse et tre rapide, je recommande sans hésiter

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