25.01.2021, 13:34

Payment Recived Thxs Paytiz.com Team


24.01.2021, 14:53

I submitted exchange order from 6.50 perfect money USD to Payeer USD on 24.01.2021. My exchange order ID is : 87788. I have received 6.25 USD Payeer fastly. Transaction batch number is : 1284907648 . Thank you paytiz.

24.01.2021, 02:26

good jope

21.01.2021, 20:31

He cambiado de bitcoin a dolares en cuestion de 30 mins gracias

21.01.2021, 19:30

Thank you Paytiz for making the refund of my money. I Appreciate their co-operation

21.01.2021, 11:09

I had first transaction with $6 for testing yesterday and just received correctly. It took 19 hours totally. Thanks

21.01.2021, 07:29

I didn't get my payment yet.
ID 87075 created by 2021-01-19 22:03:58
ID 87156 created by 2021-01-20 08:41:43

20.01.2021, 08:42

Thank you very much for the kind treatment. Very nice

20.01.2021, 07:40


20.01.2021, 00:33

Thank you Paytiz for making the refund of my money, several people spoke badly to me and told me that they would keep my money but I never doubted their good work and seriousness in their transactions, therefore he urged anyone who is pending not to fear that your money will be safe with Paytiz

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