The order was sent using MasterCard so I CAN'T use it online in my skrill account.
They said they didn't send, but I called skrill support and they said that the sender used MasterCard…
Didn't have this issue with other exchanges! :(.
My order id is-60759 thanks a lot too paytiz team…my payment is refund also great service…good one,,
Excellent! Fast payment A++++
ate agora não ocorreu minha transferencia para o paypal
Quick smooth transaction, , thanks
Muy buen servicio, cambié de Payeer USD a Bitcoin y en menos de 30 min lo he recibido en mi billetera. Muy confiable y excelente servicio. Graciassss
I am surprised because instead of 106.99 $ in paypal arrives in my paypal account it is 102 $ in order N ° 65013 PERFECT mONEY 115 $ CHANGER PAYPAL
Does that mean $ 13 in transaction fees? Is that too much?
thank you for your reply
Muy buena esta plataforma , es increíble , realicé un intercambio de payer hacia Paypal y me llegó el dinero en 20 minutos .
I did an exchange for 28.50 USD to my PayPal account. I received it within 2 hours into my PayPal account, but that stupid PayPal blocked the transaction and send it back. So I never received my money.
Yesterday I send a Support ticket to Paytiz about this and if they pay me back to my Payeer account or to my Bitcoin wallet. But still no response from them.
I hope I will not lose my money. And I'm sure I never use PayPal again. Always problems with that company. I prefer Bitcoin.
I use the exchanger every day. Always fast operations, very convenient.