It worked. Only for £30 as well in hours to my great surprise! Like it stated; 72 Hrs for smaller amounts. This is simply a middle man site finding BTC buyers for you, for a profit. Lots of potential errors in this systеm but I got lucky I guess?
Fast & Honest …
What happened is my payment did not say anything … How long will you pay me…MY ORDER ID IS-60759
Do not use this site, it is a fraudulent site. Money will not be sent to you, in addition, no one answers from technical support
I have not yet paid payment, please release my payment….MY ORDER ID IS-60759
First time using this platform, i must say i was a bit worried because it is hard to find a platform that transfers directly to the bank or to paypal easily, great service, i totally recommend did not find any issues it was super fast, easy to do.
Order ID 61803, Till now payment has not been credited to my Paypal account. Kindly confirm how long it take to credit.
Thanks! It was very fast.
I was satisfied! The most reliable service!
Paiement reçu sans aucun soucis, service impeccable