11.04.2019, 22:50

Super! This is first time I have used Paytiz exchange service. Reliable and fast.
recommended to anyone without any fear.

My order no 10918

11.04.2019, 20:35

fast super fast

11.04.2019, 20:34

i not expected its so fast , thank you so much…

11.04.2019, 16:25

bit skeptical at first but it did actually work, received payment in about an hour. thanks! :)

11.04.2019, 16:20

Fast and good

10.04.2019, 17:10


10.04.2019, 13:31

shit to slow man to slow
dont receive any thing mor than 12h

Support Response: Your paypal account has problem. That's why we were unable to send it.

09.04.2019, 06:38

great as usually ..thanks

09.04.2019, 06:37

fair and like no others exchanger low fee,this time not faster like the previous time but i think Paytiz got a well deserve vodka party yesterday ;) you get my full trust and i will tell in facebook ,tweeter and several reviewer like BMF as well ..thanks so much .kind regards Emanuel

08.04.2019, 16:30

Thankyou for fast servise

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